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Strange and Bad Twisted Toys

Posted by ODD at Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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Something went terribly wrong in the Toytown...

Nightmarish, deeply disturbing and bizarre toys can still be found in this world, lurking just around the corner to haunt unsuspecting children... Some people even pay money to get these products.

Continuing the series of Dolls and Toys that Creep Us Out, here is another bunch of toys to steer clear of - or on the contrary, deliberately seek them out for a nifty collection.

But first, let us celebrate creativity, and start with some neat stuff:

Wonderfully Twisted Toys

These are toys that we actually like, and will gladly add to our roster of curiosities... we may even play with them to unwind after work.

Crazy steampunk rabbit - "Woppit & Hare Clockwork Enigma" - made by Doctor A. using the customized "labbit" evil toy from Kid Robot.

Artists from Kidrobot display endless creativity in coming up with nameless monsters and kinky apparitions. Check out their catalog - here are some examples:

These balloons clearly suffer from bad design:
Hipsters' most favorite teddy bear (with all these accessories in the set, what do they need the bear for?):

For the curious kids and adults alike, there is a sci-fi styled "womb" with a developing clone inside:
Strange praying nuns (meant for bowling?)
Wonderful site Weird Toys is full of that stuff:
Not a toy! "Back to School"... solutions?! -
For really gruesome baby toys, head over here.

From Bizarre to Gruesome, to Obscene?

You think, there is nothing wrong with this rocking horse? Think again! This horse is a dead real horse, "Rocking Horse Winner" - a sculpture made from taxidermed horse, tack, wood, and rug (made by Kathrine Worel):

However, Doctor A. makes the most intense steampunkish toys - check out his site and his line up of "Mechtorians" toys!
"An Alien Clone Baby" is presented by Martin Dolan. For the grown-ups he's got a very cool deskphone, made from a spade!.. mostly (see image below right):

Like they say, this horse "activates the threshold between wonder and horror". It can be forever (undead) yours, for the price of $50,000.

Brilliant ideas:
Speaking about dogs, here is a jigsaw puzzle:

Plush Cthulhu and microbes. Get them here:

Well... in our opinion, any ugly and scary toy is better than games some families play (or played in the 1950s):
And finally, a mystery animal toy (how would you call it?) -



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